October 18, 2022
The Role of the Board
Provide overall governance to:
Specifically, the Board
a. Has the authority to act on behalf of the Associationb. Has the right to enforce policies on all members of the association in accordance with the Charterc. Has the final decision for accepting or rejecting applications for membership and can grant exceptionsd. May, at its discretion, invite other members to attend Board meetings as observerse. May appoint ad hoc task force / panels and invite any member of the Association to assist the Board or serve on a Committee
Election of the Board
Board operationsa. The Chair shall preside over meetings of the Association and the Board.b. The Chair shall see the Articles of the Association are observed as per the FZ LLC as well as the Association’s Charter.c. The Treasurer shall have oversight for the finances of the Association and present a statement of finances at the AGM and at such times as requested by the Chair.d. The Vice Chair shall, in the absence of the chair, chair the Board meetings.e. Remuneration – Officers shall receive no direct or indirect remuneration for their services.f. The operations and administration of the Association’s affairs shall be the responsibility of the General Manager
Positions and required skills / experience
Role: Sets the agenda and frequency for Board meetings and ensures the meetings are managed to time and deliver on set tasks; represents ABG in a public capacity; provides support and counsel to staff on strategic and policy issues as well as operational; provides input and support for the Officers; establishes ad hoc committees as required to address specific issues (remuneration, symposium, awards etc).
Time commitment – at least 10 hours a month
Vice Chair
Role: to act as Chair in their absence; lead a committee or project as directed by the Chair; provide support and counsel to the Chair, Officers and staff as required.
Time commitment – at least 5-10 hours a month
Time commitment – at least 2-3 hours a month
Committee Officers
Officers should be:
Time commitment – at least 15-20 hours a month
The role of the Officer
Working with the Chair, General Manager and committee team, the Officer supports and helps implement the annual plan, using contacts, expertise and energies to ensure that projects, tasks and responsibilities are carried out to the best of their ability.The Officer plays a critical role for ABG providing a bridge between the Board and the membership. In order to achieve targets, Officers need to engage with a broad range of members, and provide leadership and mentoring resources. The Officer needs to ensure that members across the UAE and countries where ABG for ASA are established have equal opportunity to enjoy events and benefits.In addition, each Officer should see themselves as a key contributor to the growth and development of ABG, whether attending ABG events, representing ABG to third parties, developing thought leadership pieces or taking an active role in both partner and 3rd party events.An Officer has committed to provide time, expertise and resources as called upon by the Chair or board member.
Registered ABG – The Officer represents the interests of the registered agency group at Board level, spearheads events targeted at Advertising representatives and helps build a sustained outreach to member and nonmember agencies. The Officer must understand the expectations of the agency members, ensure they are addressed and at the same time help identify opportunities for revenue generation to ensure ABG maintains its financial footing.
Specific tasks / KPIs – as a minimum:
Knowledge & Development Officer (training courses, workshops, mentoring program, academia etc…) – The Officer represents a broad range of stakeholders with a common goal of improving and advancing the levels of education, training and professional development in the region through either 3rd party trainers or board members or members of the committees.
Specific tasks/ KPIs
Membership Development Officer – The Officer represents the individual members at Board level and leads initiatives that impact their benefits, service levels and complaints. The Officer is responsible for ensuring ABGengages with all sub groups, both members and other stakeholders.
Specific tasks / KPIs
Communication Officer – The Officer is responsible for promoting ABG as an organization and its activities to the relevant stakeholders including members, government entities and media outlets.
Legal Officer – the Officer is responsible for ensuring the Board is carrying on the ABG agenda in compliance with the ABG Articles of Association and applicable laws and regulations. Moreover, he/she is expected to:
Read more here.
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